Have you ever been afraid to do something simply because you've never done it before? Peter had that problem!
In Acts 10, Peter is faced with the dilemma of taking the good news of the Gospel to a Gentile man. As he hesitates, he is confronted with the vision of a sheet let down from heaven filled with all manner of unclean animals which God commands him to eat. God had a reason for using this vision, but Peter is astounded that he, a devout Jew, is being asked to eat unclean animals! He replies, "Not so, Lord; for I have never eaten any thing that is common or unclean."
Peter was resisting the very will of God, holding on to the old way, even though God is showing him that there's now a new way: salvation is not just for the Jews anymore; it's also for the Gentiles.
Before you dismiss something you feel God might be asking you to do, ask yourself a few questions first.
What "old way" is holding you back from obeying God by going the "new way" that He commands?
What something is God prodding you to do that seems impossible, because "I have never . . .?"
Peter was resisting the very will of God, holding on to the old way, even though God is showing him that there's now a new way: salvation is not just for the Jews anymore; it's also for the Gentiles.
Before you dismiss something you feel God might be asking you to do, ask yourself a few questions first.
- Does this new thing violate Scripture? If it's something that will definitely violate God's direct command, then don't do it. However, if there is no command against it, maybe you should give it more consideration. Peter didn't have the completed Scriptures like we do. God Himself was speaking to him. And you know what? God Himself speaks to us today - through His Word.
- Have I sought godly counsel? The Bible is clear that there is safety in a multitude of counsellors (Proverbs 11:14; 15:22; 24:6). You won't go wrong by asking godly, trustworthy people what they think about your new venture. Choose people whose advice will be scriptural, and don't just go to people you know will agree with you. Seek scriptural advice!
- Have I prayed about this new thing? Ask God to guide you. Ask Him to put a check in your spirit if it's the wrong thing to do. Ask for confirmation from Him that it's the right thing to do. He will answer!
What "old way" is holding you back from obeying God by going the "new way" that He commands?
What something is God prodding you to do that seems impossible, because "I have never . . .?"